Monday, September 6, 2010

Slums and High Class

On the second day of our journey in Africa, we saw both sides of Tanzania. The first part of the day we drove through the poor part of the town Arusha. Some of the kids on the sides of the streets didn't have shoes and their clothes were completely tattered. Their houses were made out of dirt and logs. There was trash in the street. People were pushing carts where normally animals would be. Kids were playing soccer with balls made out of trashbags and tape. Simply said, it was pretty devastating.
We made it to the orphanage and we met some adorable and charming children. We handed out candy, and strangely they all sat down and quietly ate their candy. The gave us a tour of the orphanage and then we went to their school. We played with them on their playground and had an awesome time. We then gave them balloons and they had a blast. We got some great shots of the children while we where there and also had a very sobering experience. You can view some of the photos from Good Hope here.
And then we saw the opposite side of town. We went to this ultra luxurious resort called the "Coffee Lodge". Think 5 star resort and put it in Africa and add a field of coffee plants within view. Our meals were delicious and we all spent an average of $12 when it would have cost us closer to $30 in the states. The only people at this lodge were foreigners.
We finished off the day going to the Masai market. Imagine a close quarters flea market with very pushy salesmen at every booth saying, "You come into my store. Looking is free. I give you... special price." At least we got to negotiate pricing! All in all it was a very busy and eye-opening day.
Tomorrow, we finally have some time to spend with the children that live in the orphanage on Pete's property here at the UAACC. We also will be leaving here to go to the Bouganvilla Safari Lodge, where we will stay for 2 nights. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. My friend Jordan Sager is in Tanzania right now! I don't know where she is exactly, but I know she is working with kids. She's also friends with David, Jeremy, and Nataniel!!! She blond and between 4 and 5 feet tall, so if you so happen to bump into her, say hi from all of us =) Isn't it crazy to go from something like a small village to a resort? It really sets your perspective straight.
