Friday, July 16, 2010


Every so often I get to make a 30 second intro for a show broadcast to the Hope Channel. I made one earlier about “Great Prayers” and it involved lighting someone’s hands on fire. After giving my actor some pretty serious blisters (and one scar) I decided that I might be done with fire (for now, anyway). This series is called “Armor of God.” I typically film on a dark soundstage because most of these Christian sermon series are set in Biblical times and the easiest way to fake Biblical times is to be devoid of background, but for this one they wanted a modern day twist, so we filmed in a medical warehouse. Forest Lake Church, the producers of this show provided me with full riot gear: helmet, boots, Kevlar vest, police officer belt, and best of all a real life taser gun. Don’t worry no one got shocked!

Enrico was brave enough to agree to be the actor in this, which was especially bold because he had just had his appendix removed earlier that week! I naturally made him run, jump, and crouch down for various shots, but he was a real trooper the whole way through and never complained or even winced. Oh and did I mention that the warehouse didn’t have air conditioning? So it was a sweltering humid 93 degrees inside. Shooting these things is always an adventure.

I always rent a dolly to make these intros, but this time in addition to the dolly, we got to use our new slider for the first time. The slider is basically a bar about the size and shape of a two by four that has a sliding plate on the tope of it that the camera attaches to. The slider can either be used by placing it on the ground and getting really low moving shots or you can mount it on a tripod allowing dolly moves at any height really. It was easy and a joy to use.

Look for the video some time next week but for now enjoy this picture of Enrico.

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