Thursday, November 25, 2010

Looking at my "busy"

"If I only had a couple more hours in the day....."

I think every one of us has either said or thought this phrase, but I have learned that for most people, including myself, the end of that sentence would likely be, "I'd fill it up with more work and I wouldn't have any time to do what I want".

Being busy can often be a negative thing. It can add stress to our lives, it can put a strain on our relationships, and it can put our priorities all out of whack. Sometimes, its all we can do not to let the "busy" in our lives take over completely.

I'm as guilty as anyone of using the phrase "I'm just too busy". Anyone who knows me has probably heard it a time or two. For most of my adult life, busy has been something that I've tried to avoid at all cost, but to no avail. But recently, I've looked at my busy life and seen it in a different way. My "busy" has made me able to have such wonderful experiences with some very special people. I think back to all of the events, films, and projects that we've worked on, and I have fond memories from all of them. I am blessed to have been able to work with and for some of my favorite acquaintances.

Then I think about how blessed we've been to have the opportunity to work at all. While there are many people in the world who are struggling during this holiday season, I can't help but thank God for all of the projects and clients He has sent our way. It has given us the opportunity to try new things, make videos that we're proud of, and as mentioned before, meet wonderful people.

So during this holiday season, if you find yourself, like me, feeling busy and nearly overwhelmed, try looking at your "busy" as a blessing rather than a burden. It has made all the difference in the world for me. Happy Thanksgiving!

- Enrico Marcellino